Today is a good day. An amazing day, in fact. Today marks exactly two years since Cody’s liver resection that excised his tumor. We were told that once he hit the two-year milestone, he would not only be considered in remission (that word is so scary to even type!), that if one day the cancer came back he would be eligible for future surgeries/transplants.
Here we are, exactly two years later.
Words will never describe the absolute gratitude and love we have for Dr. Rory Smoot, Dr. Greg Gores, and the countless, but significant members on these teams at Mayo Clinic. They gave us a second chance at this beautiful life and we are thankful for that every, single day.
My sweet Co, what a journey it’s been. There are endless words to describe how much I admire the strength, perseverance, and pure grit you’ve shown over this journey. Cheers to you and cheers to many, many more years tumor free. I love you more than all the stars!

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